(2) ER™ 2400 Calorie Food bars and (12) Water Pouches: Each bar contains (6) individual, pre-measured rations – serving size equals two rations/day/person. When rationed, the food bars can sustain up to 6 individuals for 1-day, two individuals for 3-days, or one person for six days. The U.S. Coast Guard tested, evaluated, and certified ER™ Emergency Food and Water Rations to remain fresh for up to 5 years, even when exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations. Although we recommend you store this kit inside your severe weather shelter, ER™ rations can safely store outdoors or in areas exposed to temperatures ranging from -22°F to 149°F (-30°C to 65°C).
6-Gallon Bucket Storage Container:
Use for emergency sanitation purposes.
Line the inside of the bucket with a sanitation bag (included), add toilet chemicals (included), then snap-on the toilet seat to create an emergency toilet.
Use duct tape (included) and plastic sheeting (included) to erect a privacy shelter around the bucket.
Alternatively, use the bucket to store potable water treated with Aquatabs® Water Filtration Tablets.
(1) Solar/Hand-Crank Powered NOAA Weather Band AM/FM Radio, Flashlight combo with a built-in USB device charger for cell phones and other USB powered devices.
First Aid & PPE: (1) First Aid Kit and (2) KN95 face masks, tissue, and disinfectant wipes provide treatment for minor injuries and help prevent the spread of illnesses.
(2) Thermal blankets: Provide warmth or assistance to victims suffering from shock.
(30) Aquatabs® Water Filtration Tablets: Each tablet treats up to 2 quarts of water.
4 in 1 Emergency Utility Tool: Gas and water shut off-keys, pry bar, and hammer.
Pry Bar, Folding Shovel & Safety Goggles: Remove debris from evacuation areas or perform search and rescue activities.
Additional items include:
- 12-Hour Fluorescent Light Sticks
- Ponchos
- Pack of (5) Candles: each candle burns for up to 5-hours
- Duct Tape
- Tarp and Nylon Cord
- Bug Spray
- Pocket Survival Guide